If you’re wondering how soon you can return to your exercise routine after getting a gastric balloon, the answer is sooner than you might think. Placement of the Allurion Balloon is a quick 15-minute procedure which doesn’t require anaesthesia or endoscopy, so you’ll walk away from the clinic pretty much as you went in – plus your 550 ml gastric balloon in situ, of course.
It’s recommended that you avoid strenuous physical activity, like sports, for at least one to two weeks after the balloon has been placed. This will give your body time to adjust to the changes in your intake of fluids and food. As soon as you feel comfortable, you can start leisure walking. During this time, it’s important that you drink enough fluids to ensure you’re adequately hydrated.
Remember that the gastric balloon will reduce the space in your stomach for food and fluids, so it’s important to prioritize taking in enough fluids. You will gradually transition from clear fluids to a normal diet over the course of a week or so with support from your clinic. Keep in mind that everyone is different, so the timeline for these steps may vary.